Thursday, 28 April 2011

Mind Control and Manipulation the Pentecostal Church

Your journey into this circus could well begin the minute you run into an evangelical Christian. Depending what level of evangelical (congregational to preacher/pastor) you will be confronted with the first seed that will be sown into your subconscious. That seed is “You have sinned and are separated from God”. For most of us that is going to mean Jack Shit to youat that time, but whether you like it or not, that seed is in there and at a certain moment in the future, it will start to grow roots in your mind. That is along with the other seeds of “You are going to hell unless you accept Jesus into your heart” and “You must repent of your sins”.

The moment you are drawn into the circus of faith will happen the moment the shit hits the fan in your life. It could be a divorce, a life threatening illness, the loss of a job or business, extreme poverty or hardship and you will find yourself drawn to the “sowers” of the seed. If you are unfortunate to have friends who are evangelicals, their continuous attempts to convert you will speed up the process. I now fully understand this when my late Mother in Law hit me every single time with her “gospel” and it was this and the fear of being locked in a police cell for the night that were the driving force behind my conversion to this cult.

To be fair to my first church, a very “traditional” Pentecostal church organ driven hymns and choruses (aka hypnotic mantras), it was a very laid back place. However; my late mother in law was being drawn by the bright lights of the charismatic form of Pentecostal. She was now teaching me the prosperity gospel and was very influential in my voyage into the worlds of healing and deliverance aka exorcism.  The more I got into this world, the more confident in my “charisma” I became. All the talk of “I am the head not the tail” and “No weapon formed against me will prosper” I was beginning to feel invincible. The trouble was that I was being programmed to be a good “soldier of the Lord” and a bloody brutal one too.

My second church is where the real programming began. From the beginning I was exposed to “repetition”. Scriptures, choruses, declarations are spoken or sang and you soon find yourself deeper and deeper into this make believe world of the Pentecostal Christian. I did some strange shit in this church...going on prophetic prayer walks all over the town which included standing outside "significant" locations and just blurting out senseless stuff that at the time sounded really spiritual. I must of been feckin nuts!

In my fourth and final church, the emphasis was on the worship...I mean lots of it!!! Oh yes there was a hell of a lot of indoctrination however: what is strange about this is that the indoctrination just did not really work on the people. I have now put it down to the fact that most of them were from my first church where they had all been there for 20 years or so and being subject to a far more "laid back" version of Pentecostalism, something I now look back on as being pretty innocent. These people did not get the whole "SUBMIT" programming. Maybe there perception of church life was too ingrained into the "turn up when I feel like and give what I feel like). In this respect the pastor of my first chruch was a bit of a success despite being a bit of a control freak.

Those at the top want to make sure that you stay where you are and these preachers/pastors begin to indoctrinate you into the “fear of the Lord”. This evil process put you into the place where as much as you want to see God as this all loving deity, at the back of your mind there is that fear that if you walk away from him you will be destroyed by him.

Here is a list of the thing I have heard from the pulpit to keep you in check:

“If you walk away from the man whom God has put over you, you will lose your destiny and have to answer to Jesus for it”

“If you leave for ****** you will be out of the will of God and everything in your life will fail”

“God has put you here to serve the vision that God has given me, your purpose is to serve that vision and reap the blessing of serving your leader. You can’t afford to leave”

“Silas left Paul and he must have failed, he vanished, he forfeited his destiny. So the blessing went to Mark. He inherited the glory that was meant for Silas, but Silas left his leader”

That last statement leads you into the next dark tactic they use to keep you in check…Do not go against your leaders.

“If you disagree with your leaders, you are telling God that he does not know what he is doing”

“I have known people go against the pastor of a church a die the day after”

“Touch not the Lord’s anointed”

Then there are those hypnotic choruses and the endless mantras coming from the worship leaders and prophets to:

“Let go and Let God”

“If you want more of Jesus you need to die to self”

“I surrender all”

“Lord I give you my life”

“Fill me with your Spirit; possess me with your presence”

“Less of me and more of you”

The list goes on and now after years and years of this brainwashing and manipulation you are now a fully conditioned soldier for Jesus…well the leadership. They want your complete compliance. They cleverly equate obedience to the pastor on the same par as obeying God and if you disobey or question you are punished by exclusion are be labeled as “rebellious”

Not happy with all that, they want your money. That can become easy when you have conditioned followers whom you just have to click your fingers to get an offering but this takes time and I have been in two churches where every bloody meeting there was “offering messages” where we went about “encouraging” the people to give God (my arse!) their money and convincing them that this is a spiritual thing and you will be better off. After many years there are people who are still in the same old pit but they still give, because they have been programmed to and they dare not question.

The “holy ghost” experiences you will experience are all in the mind and they have been brought on by firstly impression. You have seen others raise their hands and mutter out during times of worship “praise Jesus”, “glory to God” and “we love you Lord”. You are exposed to choruses. Always fast and very uplifting and positive and while you are bopping around, unbeknown to you; you are being induced into a state of hypnosis so eventually when the time is right you will have a religious experience. I will deal with the precise workings of this very important tool in their spell casting over you in another section, but all I can say is that it works and because you feel that you have seen and felt it, it is absolutely real.

What will break this spell for you is that at some point you will begin to see that something is just not right. It may be that you have been to many churches and the same issue persists, you can’t settle

To bring home what I have been advising you here are two extracts from the Leaving Bethel presentation which may explain this use of hypnosis and suggestion:

The Birth of Conversion

Conversion is a "nice" word for Brainwashing...and any study of brainwashing has to begin with a study of Christian revivalism in eighteenth century America. Apparently, Jonathan Edwards accidentally discovered the techniques during a religious crusade in 1735 in Northampton, Massachusetts. By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the "sinners" attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit. Technically, what Edwards was doing was creating conditions that wipe the brain slate clean so that the mind accepts new programming. He would tell those attending, "You're a sinner! You're destined for hell!"
As a result, one person committed suicide and another attempted suicide. And the neighbors of the suicidal converts related that they, too, were affected so deeply that, although they had found "eternal salvation", they were obsessed with a diabolical temptation to end their own lives.
Once a preacher, cult leader, manipulator or authority figure creates the brain phase to wipe the brain-slate clean, his subjects are wide open. New input, in the form of suggestion, can be substituted for their previous ideas. Because Edwards didn't turn his message positive until the end of the revival, many accepted the negative suggestions and acted, or desired to act, upon them.
Charles J. Finney was another Christian revivalist who used the same techniques four years later in mass religious conversions in New York. The techniques are still being used today by Christian revivalists, cults, human-potential training, some business rallies and the U.S. armed services.
Let me point out here that I don't think most revivalist preachers realize or know they are using brainwashing techniques. Edwards simply stumbled upon a technique that worked, and others copied it and have continued to copy it for over two hundred years. And the more sophisticated our knowledge and technology become, the more effective the conversion. I feel strongly that this is one of the major reasons for the increasing rise in Christian fundamentalism, especially the televised variety, while most of the orthodox religions are declining.

How Revivalist Preachers Work

If you'd like to see a revivalist preacher at work, there are probably several in your city. Go to the church or tent early and sit in the rear, about three-quarters of the way back. Most likely repetitive music will be played while the people come in for the service. A repetitive beat, ideally ranging from 45 to 72 beats per minute (a rhythm close to the beat of a human heart), is very hypnotic and can generate an eyes-opens altered state of consciousness in a very high percentage of people. And, once you are in an alpha state, you are at least 25 items as suggestible as you would be in full beta consciousness. The music is probably the same for every service, or incorporates the same beat, and many of the people will go into an altered state almost immediately upon entering the sanctuary. Subconsciously, they recall their state of mind from previous services and respond according to the post-hypnotic programming.
Watch the people waiting for the service to begin. Many will exhibit external signs of trance -- body relaxation and slightly dilated eyes. Often, they begin swaying back and forth with their hands in the air while sitting in their chairs. Next, the assistant pastor will come out. He usually speaks with a "voice roll.“
A "voice roll" is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance. It is also used by many lawyers, several of whom are highly trained hypnotists, when they desire to entrench a point firmly in the minds of the jurors. A voice roll can sound as if the speaker were talking to the beat of a metronome or it may sound as though he were emphasizing every word in a monotonous, patterned style. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 35 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect.
Now the assistant pastor begins the "build-up" process. He induces an altered state of consciousness and / or begins to generate the excitement and the expectations of the audience. Next, a group of young women in "sweet and pure" chiffon dresses might come out to sing a song. Gospel songs are great for building excitement and involvement. In the middle of the song, one of the girls might be "smitten by the spirit" and fall down or react as if possessed by the Holy Spirit. this very effectively increases the intensity in the room. At this point, hypnosis and conversion tactics are being mixed. And the result is the audience's attention span is now totally focused upon the communication while the environment becomes more exciting or tense.
Right about this time, when an eyes-open mass-induced alpha mental state has been achieved, they will usually pass the collection plate or basket. In the background, a 45-beat-per-minute voice roll from the assistant preacher might exhort, "Give to God ... Give to God ... Give to God ..." And the audience does give. God may not get the money, but his already wealthy representative will.

Source: FOR YOUR MIND, Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today by Dick Sutphen


  1. My experiences within the "Church of God," a Pentecostal religion were extreme. It was a rural community in the deep south filled with mostly Baptist churches with a few Methodist churches dotting the landscape prior to the Pentecostal Church of God tent revivals in the mid to late 1930's. That timeline was provided by an aged aunt whose family converted from Baptist to Pentecostal when she was a child. The conversion was easily accomplished by hypnotic programming. My aunt continues to use hypnotic trance anchors. It was only through threat that this information was provided. At age 12 my parents at my father's family's urging attended a revival at their church and baby that was all she wrote. My family or origin was sucked in and we all went down the Pentecostal road. As time went on and I grew up, I abandoned the church because of the severe restrictions imposed upon the membership. I no longer wanted to dance the Pentecostal dance, sing the chosen repetitive songs, talk the unknown tongues or pass out after running myself in the ground with this anxiety filled set of circumstances, I wanted to share in the life that my friends were living. I wanted to wear clothing that was appropriate for the times, wear makeup, wear jewelry and listen to Rock'n'Roll music and dance the dances of the times. This was in 1965 and by 1966 I had taken a part-time job while in high school and had the liberty to forego the religious services. After high school I got married and never looked back at those times until 1996 when my father died. It was then that I was called back into the church but refused to return and at that point all hell broke loose within my own family, my family of choice. I am now alone, divorced with a restraining order against me filed by my daughter with wording that is in the manner of speech of my family of origin. Pentecostalism is only a part of the problem. The Baptists and the Methodists that had witnessed the break up of families and churches that Pentecostalism had caused took their revenge. There is one thing that has become totally clear from my experiences, all religion is programmed whether traditional or nontraditional, whether by hypnosis or early intervention into the life of children through training and with the accompanying ritualism. Yes, I can read the Bible, not just what the lessons the churches choose for me to learn and know. I can read all of the biblical insanities. According to biblical text, the Apostles were awaiting the return of Jesus almost 2,000 years ago and Christians today continue to await his return. That is extreme within itself. I did some reading on all of the world religions and find them mostly insane beliefs. It is damn near impossible to change ingrained, programmed beliefs. When examining Pentecostalism, I too must examine some of my other experiences within other churches and the mesmerizing affects and the ritualism that is standard in all religions.

    EXISTENTIALISM: "A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness of and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts," The American Heritage Dictionary, second college edition, 1976. This is where I am today, after years of extensive deprogramming while constantly in an internal fight to prevent reprogramming.

    1. I suppose that I am fortunate in that I became a Christian without any human input that I am aware of, aged 21 when I was on my way to commit suicide. I challenged God, if He was real, to kill me. Nothing happened except a nagging feeling that I was not as good as I thought I was. I knew I had lied to the person who popped into my mind and I said sorry to God and asked again to be taken out of my hellish existence and instantly I was. My circumstances had not changed but I felt love in my heart and was completely convinced that God was real and that He loved me and I could face anything with Him beside me. I also felt that this God had nothing to do with organized religion. Nevertheless I was curious to find out if He had anything to do with the Bible, so I dug out the Gideon's New Testament I had been given at school and never read. I read and believed. I identified with the 'born again' stuff and with Paul's conversion because although not as dramatic, I had been walking along the road when I met God. After some time reading I understood that Jesus was God and He died for my sins. People at work noticed I had stopped swearing and quizzed me, so I told them what had happened. I expected to be ridiculed, but I didn't care, and I wasn't. After several months, I started attending a church where I met my wife.

      We attend a presbyterian church and are both elders there. In our church the minister / pastor is only regarded as chief elder. All elders have to be consulted when important decisions are made and if something impacts the congregation they have a vote. e.g. choosing a new minister. On occasion myself and other elders have corrected the minister who is humble enough to take it.

      God is waiting for you to find Him just as He waited for me. Once you have a relationship with God, He will guide you to a church like He did me. My wife and I were once invited to attend a pentecostal service and felt very uncomfortable. The pastor seemed to assume if you didn't speak in tongues or raise your hands, you were not a real Christian. I can understand 'cult like' churches being very off putting, but God is real, He has healed me. Christianity is a paradox, by giving your life to God the real you is born. We are not complete on our own, we are meant to be united with Him.

  2. The mind is segmented into four quadrants. The back of the mind is where things that are not to be remembered or told are placed until the anchor that signals individual segments to come forward and into action. The well would be in this location. The well holds the unknown tongues and physical gyrations accompanying the so-called gifts of the Holy Ghost as well as all pain and suffering, anxieties that has occurred and is released during the episodic unknown tongues rituals within the church. I could not address everyday aggressions, I held them and could not confront them but they were released within the holy spirit rituals. This programming was never removed when I left the church and I was held in this dysfunctional state for most of my life. The front of the mind is for everyday function but everyday function is interfered with through the separate right side and the left side quadrants. This is where the confusion comes in, the dis-association, the disconnection from normal life. This is also how the scramble is set-up. This is Cyclone programming. A cyclone is spinning at one level in one direction and spinning at another level in the other direction. So too was my mind. So too was this happening in everyday life. Two sided thinking, two-sided remembering, two-sided planning, two sided actions. This is oppositional programming, oppositional to self. This is the disconnect, the scrambling of memory, scrambling of action etc. This held me within a state of non-compliance with self action. Two memories, in two different time periods would come together within my current time-line as one mixed-up memory thereby confusing all memory. I was dealing with switches and reverses. Account numbers were crossing with each other, colors were crossing with each other, locations were crossing with each other and on and on and on. This was happening outside of the church as was the unknown tongues and other gyrations happening outside of the church. This was not a part of the Pentecostal church decision-making however it is most definitely Pentecostal church programming. Foreground/background was crossing, one with the another, as would happen when in the so-called "holy spirit." This was happening 30 years after I left the church and continued for several years. The regression instructions were given and never removed. I was constantly in and out of states of regression. The old programming was coming forward and was again controlling. I would go only so far in deprogramming and then everything would reverse and everything would start again. Someone infiltrated the church and was victimizing the victims, the children of the old church that were now middle-aged adults. Like a cyclone, the two sides of my mind were spinning in two different directions at the same time. I will add one other thing, subsequently my physical and psychic self was crashed by a phrase used by two others that are connected to the old time period when Pentecostalism was born and are to other religions. Again, I was in the Pentecostal church only from age 12 to age 16, from mid-1962 to January 1966 via parental involvement and not of personal choice. This latest occurrence was in 1996, 30 years later and is connected to another religion. This other religion is causing a complete and total crash of all physical and psychological capabilities of Pentecostal victims whether or not the victim had already abandoned Pentecostalism. This other religion is destructive and these people can be found in main-stream religions. I am in possession of the phrase that was used and another phrase, origin unknown. The person that used the first phrase is of old-time Baptist origin and is connected to the Methodist religion. Another person is from the Primitive Baptist religion. Therefore the exact origin of the first phrase is not fully known. This is not a condemnation of any particular religion but of the people using these hypnotic anchors. I hope that I have added to the body of knowledge.

    1. disassociation is very cause of numerous personality disorders, etc very interesting

    2. No and Yes. Yes, hypnotic trances are a form of disassociation. No, this is not a psychiatric disorder. If you must draw a psychiatric association, examine post-traumatic-stress-disorder. However this is not accurate either Regressions, reverses, criss-crosses, transferences, flashbacks etc. This is mind-control-programming but you will not find that listed as a diagnosis within psychiatry. Any and all programming is done while in a hypnotic trance and all actions such as speaking in the unknown tongues, Pentecostal dancing, passing-out, prophesying etc. occur within a hypnotic state. The programmed everyday thought patterns and everyday public behaviors occur while fully associated. However acting upon the programming requires transference from the sub/unconscious to the conscious. This occurs as it does with any other information within memory. Deprogramming requires considerable mental effort. However memory is memory. There are programmed blocks to prevent recovery of programmed instructions. It is my opinion, that persons posting on this web site would better serve this web site by not assigning psychiatric diagnoses. That, my dear, is a serious threat to persons deprogramming. Are you associated with any religion that is involved with mind control programming?

  3. There is one other comment that I would like to make. When the scrambling is occurring, the electrical activity in the brain is abnormally high and has the potential to cause injury particularly if the victim's health is borderline or there are any anomalies in the brain of the victim or if the victim has had previous head injuries/trauma. This is an assault even on a healthy person.

  4. This is so interesting blog. You are best listing knowledge provide at this site. I am very excited read this nice article. You can visit my website Hypnotic mind control

    1. I visited your web site and found it absent any real substance upon the subjective matter. I am aware of how sensual sexual material causes internalization, fantasies. This occurs naturally. It is the need of the victims of sociopathic religions (separation from the main stream) to maintain and report subjective and relevant material and not be side-tracked. There is a time and place for everything under the sun. Perhaps you view all fantasies as relevant and in that I find no argument. One could correlate sexual fantasies and religious fantasies. Thank you for sharing.

  5. it is interesting also, that the same sects that use repetitive songs and books, also discourage higher education, in some cases esp. among women, this is esp. disdainful as women have been held back enough through the times, these sects/christian sects remind me of women without rights, ... this is the day and age for women to achieve a fuller equality in society, not fall into the dark ages.

  6. it really breaks my heart that the children suffer tremendously in these sects of Christianity, i don't think they should be allowed to make their own schools, etc, to isolate their children, this practice should be illegal. I see it happening, and the children look sad at their christmas concert singing the same long songs, repetitive ... the children look tired, neglected, the girls look deeply saddened, i have seen this with my own eyes.

    1. I have had no experience with private schools, personally or as a parent. Children should be taught age appropriate behavior inasmuch as a child can maintain that behavior. There is no-one-size-fits-all but there are age-appropriate guidelines. If the children appear to be unhappy, they are concentrating too much on the perfection of the performance instead of enjoying the thrill of the event.

      There was something about your name that kept nagging at me. Laura Lynn, isn't that the store brand name for a number of products at Ingles Supermarkets? Oh golly gee whiz. No, I am not flashing back to "Leave It To Beaver" but as surely as the oldies bring back memories, so too other memories spring to mind. An unexplained episode of nervousness followed by a sudden drop in energy, as if my blood sugar had just nose dived. That is significant only to me.

  7. My 16 year old daughter has become very involved in a Pentecostal church after going through a very rough time in her life. Her "Mentor" a 22 yr old woman has slowly but surely taken complete control of her life. Last week my daughter went on a 4 day youth camp where she had "demons" cast out of her while 5 leaders prayed in tongues over her. My daughter came home and swore abuse at her family members and I was then told by her mentor that she could offer her a healthier family life and that the home I was providing was not helping her to grow. Yesterday, after not being home for days, she came and packed up her room and moved in with this woman and her mother. I was sobbing and let it known I was completely against this. The " mentor" just kept smiling at me. Showing no empathy. My heart was breaking. I am in shock and completely shattered.

    1. Hey Janine, I am so sorry on how things have gone with your daughter. It doesn't surprise me though. Years ago I had attended a few Pentecostal churches. Thankfully I never got really connected to that movement. Almost, but, not quite. Just like your daughter I'd been through rough times and I started finding the messages of those "churches" attractive. I saw quite a few people I knew pulled in DEEP. They really do use brainwashing and other tricks to rope you. I think some of them fully know what they're doing. Some are just deceived themselves. I don't do much with the faith world any more, but, I remember a Scripture that fits these churches. In 2nd Timothy 3:13 it talks about people deceiving and being deceived. It's sad that it's going on and I'm so sorry it's happend to your kid like that. I think she will wake up one day and realize it and see these loons for what they really are. Please try not to give up hope.

    2. My daughter is 18 she has recently been mentored into a Pentecostal church she has shut out her family and friends talks acts and dresses totally different though she has been raised Baptist And definitely saved this church has totally discredited her salvation and has her believing she is going to hell if she does not speak in tongues I think they are completely Brainwashing my Daughter this all started 2 months ago when she moved next to the Pentecostal preacher with her boyfriend.can anyone offer me any advice?? I keep trying to get in touch with her she will say a word or 2 but nothing else we we're very close talked every day..

    3. I no longer have contact with my daughter. Don't confront her changes as it will only push her further away from you. Do not consult a psychologist.

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  11. Recently recovered anchor, "The grass grows greener on the other side of life." Do the words, "near death experience" ring a bell with anyone?

  12. The one thing that should have been in the forefront of my mind when writing but disappears as if my magic when discussing Pentecostal religions: Baptism by the holy ghost is the predominate feature of these religions in addition to the usual washing away of sins by water. This ghost is the internal programming that controls one's actions, thoughts, behaviors, dress/appearance code as well as the "under the power" instructions such as speaking in unknown tongues, dancing in the spirit, passing out under the spirit etc. Some of these religions have relaxed the dress/appearance strictures however many maintain a strict feminine code: long hair, no makeup, no nail polish, no jewelry, no pants, long skirts, etc.

  13. TYRANNY, right here in America, land of the free, hiding behind Constitutional protections, Freedom of Religion.

  14. Laura Lynn???? Interesting. "Direct" connection.

  15. The Ingles Super Market on Buford Drive has been gone for some time now. I remember the initial disorientation occurring 30 years after having left the Church of God. This was the lead-in into being forced to return to see relatives but not before I saw odd and highly unusual changes in my daughter. My daughter's experiences were different. I have not seen here in 15 years. There was a lot of thought/memory running. The return of the unknown tongues and other associated behaviors related to the baptism of the Holy Ghost began after seeing relatives and another church member however I never returned to the church. These things were happening in my every day life. I had no control over the programming, the regressions, the reverses, thought/memory running in different time periods, the criss crosses, transverses or the transferences. I had severe sleep/wake cycles as the thought/memory running never stopped, 24 X 7. I would have severe problems falling asleep. When I closed my eyes at night in a totally darkened room, the internal white light would never go away. Memories were scrambling/segments of memory would attached with other segments of memory and everything was out of whack. I do not know how I lived through this. AT time, there was almost complete control over my five senses. This wouldn't stop. The meaning of traffic signals would switch on me. Colors were switching. There were visual disturbances almost like being in a light trance while attempting to shop or do other things. I would get lost in time while driving and there were times when I was actually seeing thoughts. When I heard sounds, I had no directional focus. For want of a better word, this was organized programming intended for total destruction. One eye outwardly focused, the other eye inwardly focused (sight memories). One ear outwardly focused, one ear inwardly focused (verbal memories). Colors were often cross-crossed. Right/left criss-crossed and all manner of things. The first occurrence of disorientation did occur just after leaving Ingles Super Market. Recently after seeing the name Laura Lynn, I did experience physiological weakness and disorientation. When this re-occurred, my thoughts were, "I've been here before and I have personally used my own mind to find and dismantle these programming sequences. This time, it lasted no more than a day. I have complete control. If this does not scare the hell of you, it should. I reserve the right to correct anything that I might have misstated or misrepresented. This is only an overview of my experiences. These things continued to have to be analyzed and I know that contact with specific persons not associated with the grocery chain or their products were using anchors to force continuance. This was written hurriedly and without specific thought to order or orientation.

  16. Well, that was quite a rant I went on. As nonsensical as this might seem, everything has an order, everything has a place, everything has a time, everything has a reason and most importantly everything is recorded in memory including hypnotic instructions. Not one family was involved, not one religion was involved, not one friend was involved. This mushroomed and what I discovered was that I have to trust myself. I am the only one with the recorded memories that I needed to retrieve to free myself.

    One of my sister's passed away Friday. This sister was one of the more serious threats and I should be happy that she is gone but she is family. She has always been a pain-in-the-butt sister but I loved her and felt badly that I could do nothing to bring her back into a realistic state of mind and I cry for her loss and am angry for her behaviors at the same time. I haven't had direct contact with her within the past few years. Another sister, whom was using hypnotic anchors, used the "guilt card" to attempt to coerce me into returning to my home town. This caused considerable anger. This was about her own needs, not mine nor that of our dying sister. This sister wasn't always so cold and calculating but I must accept her as she is now.

    I don't do hospitals. I don't do funerals. There is always a "gotcha" in those locations. I am still angry at the screaming prayers that was done by both Holiness and Baptist preachers when my father lay close to death in ICU. This was frightening for the other patients in ICU and irritating to my father. This memory goes back to 1996 and will be with me for the entirety of my life. I have never seen so much insensitivity to others as these preachers showed. They were however real proud of themselves.

    If my rant doesn't make any sense to the readers, that's really alright. Giggles. I just looked up and saw a typo, then another typo ...... I can laugh at myself again. I am not so angry with others as I once had been and I am much more forgiving of myself than I once was.

    1. I just re-read this and thought it might need some clarification. What I mean by not one religion was involved is that there was more than one denomination and this created somewhat of a mushroom effect.

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  18. Love and compassion programming is excessive within religions of Pentecostal practices. It is natural to remember the times of the lives of our lost loved ones however we are particularly vulnerable to contamination in times of stress such as the death of a loved one. We are somewhat disassociated from what is happening around us during those times. Excessive love and compassion does lead to a higher level of disassociation.

  19. All religious organizations, by definition, are cults. This puts all religions in the same category. My beliefs are existential but I am in no way condemning religion as a whole.

    The sister that was laid to rest today in the family plot at the Baptist cemetery that has been in existence for as long as the community has existed or thereabouts is the same cemetery that Pentecostal religions use for their loved ones.

    In the area that I grew up in, all the cemeteries were Baptist. All denominations plant their loved ones in one or another of them. The annual Decoration Day celebration brings all denominations together. This annual event is on my no-do list.

    I did not attend my sister's services. This sister went to different churches of Pentecostal practices, Church of God, Church of God of Prophesy, Assembly of God, Baptist Pentecostal (atypical) etc., not just denominations with Pentecostal in their name such as First Pentecostal.

    All members of any of the family of churches practicing Pentecostalism are Obsessive Compulsive and Religious Addictive, in addition to being involved in a host of severe service behaviors.

  20. I had to take some time off from my writing and attempt to access the circumstances of my sister's death. No one is talking. No one is communicating. Prior to Sara's death, Rita called to tell me that Sara's liver and kidneys were shutting down. Hidden or forgotten memories do resurface but not always when I need them. The word toxins reverberated in my mind.

    Then I remembered what had happened, many years back, to a classmate of my daughter, her liver and kidneys shut down after an accidental overdose of Tylenol.

    Had Sara gotten her meds confused? Had Sara taken her meds but had forgotten she did and then take them again? I do not have the answers but when criss-crosses, regressions, reverses, memory/thought running and other things occur .... anything is possible.

    A previous personal experiences resurfaced. As I was going thru the agony of attempting to dismantle my own programmed instructions, I did have an occasional illnesses, dental procedures requiring prescription pain medication, nothing serious. I remember, that I couldn't remember, if I had taken my medication. I remember, that I couldn't remember, to write down the time I had taken my medication although I had made a mental note to do so. This was so atypical for me. The pain meds did not have any serious side affects other than sleep but an accidental overdose could have had a more serious result.

    I have been forever changed by my own experiences.


    When memory is scrambled (regressed, re
    versed, criss-crossed) and both thoughts and memory are running together, tangling), the best possible answer is not available for retrieval.

    No information about my recently deceased sister's illness is flowing at this time. When I can retrieve and examine "all" my information, the landscape becomes more reasonable. It is just as likely that my sister had an infection that grew rapidly out of control and overwhelmed her immune system.

    When we examine all possibilities no matter how improbable, we reach other potential conclusions?

    When examining the reason for my sister's death, another memory surfaced, a very old memory but a significant event in my life that should have never been out of reach.

    The year was early 1976. As I was sitting in the emergency waiting-room clinging to our four year old daughter, my husband's physician called me back to talk to me. My knees almost buckled as I heard the ER physician tell me that he didn't think he would be capable of pulling John thru. John's infection had developed after passing a kidney stone and in less than 24 hours had spiraled rapidly out of control.

    John did recover and was transferred to a larger better equipped hospital. A few short years later, "Toxic Shock Syndrome" would be reverberating throughout the medical journals, the news media on TV and radio, in all the magazines and in newly authored books.

    Function requires full access to all memory. How can one draw a conclusion without having all of ones scruples, access to one's storehouse of information. Without memory, a computer would be worthless, so too would be humans and all other life. Intelligence is necessary whether it is higher human function or the basics of DNA replication, that occurs naturally. There is an intelligence there.

    On the other hand some things are better forgotten. (?) Little Richard's, "Good Golly Miss Molly" was blaring loudly on the radio of adolescents everywhere when I was but a wee tyke. I was going to grow up to be just like my aunt. Yikes. Double yucky yikes. Little Richard, oh heck yeah. My aunt, oh hell no. Never.

    Are episodic programmed events about financial gain? The Illusion of Alzheimer's and the take over of assets? I don't know. Pure speculation.

    Blocked information/memories can cause some amount of paranoid ideation. Medication affecting brain function impairs recovery, short circuits the deprogramming process. Incorporating new information is a much better way to recall blocked or scrambled information. Read, Read, Read, Explore, Explore, Explore. One must take care to protect one's life. This is a precarious situation one is in. Simple things can become very complicated.

  22. What is the purpose of the scrambling? Regressions, reverses, transferences, transverses, criss-crosses are used to break the individual down in order to rebuild the individual.

    What is the purpose of the unknown tongues, dancing and passing out?

    The unknown tongues allows one to "bless-out" their aggressors as opposed to "cursing-out" their aggressors without really confronting their aggressors.

    Excessive amounts of love and compassion programming allows for the abuse of the membership.

    An ex-friend of mine once said, "they are good people." My reply was, "Yes they are. They will give you the shirt off their backs, the last bite on their table and the last dollar in their pocket." Who do you think is profiting from this?

    The unknown dancing? I do not know the reason for the dancing but I always felt really good, fully energized after a good work-out.

    The passing out? I do not know the reason for the passing out but a brief nap might have been used to refresh one after the dancing work-out. The entire ritual is bizarre.

    I really did not know what I was saying when speaking in the unknown tongues however I did come to understand during deprogramming that I have a mind's storage place where I placed aggressions against me. This is the hell-hole. I don't have a clue what I was saying but I was "talking directly to God." My experience were that I was speaking a long-running set of syllables tied together into a jibber-jabber more akin to the Tower of Babel.

    Why was I targeted for return to the church 50 years after having left the church at age 16?

    During this time, I did come out of a trance with a paternal aunt, now deceased. This aunt was a child when the tent revivals showed up in the community wherein the membership of the Baptist churches were pilfered to form this new religion. This is based on this aunt's accounting of the circumstances of the formation of the Church of God. Granny had been Baptist when she switched her membership to the Church of God. This occurred some time in the 1930's. This aunt was born in 1925 or thereabouts and had been a child.

    These churches were often referred to as Penny Costals as the people came with what little they had and dropped their pennies in the collection plate. The stock market crashed in 1929 and it was not until post WWII that we were again really sure-footed and headed toward prosperity.

    People were starving, people were looking for hope and this religion accommodated their need for hope but took their pennies that would have placed a little more food on their sparse tables.

    I have another ex-friend from a different state that recounts the same story about what happened to the town she had grown up in. However this occurred in the 1940's.

    Deprogramming took forever because I had "continued contact" with family and the breaking-down of me continued for 21 years as I fought this until I had become clear-minded enough to stop it. The overly programmed love and compassion for family and others, got in the way. The inability to confront got in the way.

  23. Religious addiction is a serious problem. Be careful of what your loved ones might hear in the hospital. "Life grows greener on the other side of life." A death spiral or a born again spiral?

    1. I left something out when I wrote this and thought it should be added to this comment. "Near death experiences." I had a friend that was greeted and welcomed to the other side by his mother, his father and his childhood dog. Umm, All good doggies go to heaven.

  24. I am not quite sure how to incorporate my most recent experiences. "You're spiraling out of control," ran through my mind. I do not have a clue where this came from and have no time reference. Memories come forward from unconsciousness to consciousness naturally but I do not know what might have triggered it. Perhaps this is in regard to my recent remarks about spirals.

    I do have reason to be concerned about stalking.

  25. When one is under the so-called power of God, I was internally fully associated with the instructions. They were totally and completely controlling. I had no personal control. The senses were not shut down but not fully engaged either. My vision was blurred as in the glow of white light. I did see those around me but not clearly, I did hear myself and those around me but I was indifferent to the sounds around me. I was in a trance. When I passed out under the so-called power of God, I was fully disassociated, in a deep-sleep state, no awareness at all.

    Using the words associated and disassociated, one might consider using differing definitions, outwardly associated, inwardly associated, fully disassociated.

  26. The one eye inward and one eye outward, one ear inward and one ear outward has a direct connection to the speaking in a so-called unknown tongues and the strange almost spastic-like dancing.

    If my writing should appear disconnected, meandering and chaotic, the discovery process was such. There is order in chaos. I first had to discover the parts and pieces of this chaotic order, in order to assemble the chaotic parts and pieces and place them into a whole order.

    A considerable amount of threat and fear occurs during discovery. My life became a living hell. Everything in my life became de-constructed repeatedly.

    I cannot deprogram anyone else but anyone and everyone can be deprogrammed. It is my sincere hope that my chaotic and confusing writing might help others put order in their own lives and assist others as they go through this process by sharing their experiences with others.

  27. I cannot end this without mentioning one person, John Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath." Mr. Steinbeck's fictional but accurate account of the times in which Pentecostals came into being, with only a small mention of Pentecostals but contained a small seed of truth that over time grew within me.

    "A Gift to Myself", Charles L. Whitfield, M.D. is the book that I held onto with all my might when the going got rough. My visits with Dr. Whitfield got short-circuited when my daughter filed a restraining order. That was a strange experience within itself. My attorney did not act in my best interest and did not call my Doctor beforehand as any good practicing attorney should have instead meeting with me to insist that I see another doctor. Other psychologists were gravely lacking in expertise in this particular matter. At the continuance hearing without my attorney present, the Judge was managing this hearing professionally and everything was going well when suddenly the officer that stands beside the bench jumped in front of the judge and said something privately. The Judge's demeanor did a complete about face and granted the restraining order without further comment.

    The world I live in is crazy as hell but I am not.

    The first psychologist I saw early in this Pentecostal frenzy many, many years after leaving the church, dropped me after ten visits. That was very early in a long drawn out process. I was devastated. What I didn't know would follow me for years. A lot has changed and as the law had changed. I requested a copy of my records from this psychologist and discovered that he had diagnosed me with schizophrenia undifferentiated. When I forcefully confronted this psychologist,(not a psychiatrist or medical doctor)a psychologist without credentials to diagnose or treat serious mental illness filed with my insurance company, for payment of services, a diagnosis of schizophrenia undifferentiated. The diagnosis was expunged as if it had never happened however I had lost all contact with my daughter.

    No diagnosis was ever reached by two other psychologists I had seen at the insistence of my attorney. One psychologist wrote a considerable list of possible diagnoses but no diagnosis was ever made. With another, I ran out of money.

    In the middle of all of this a divorce had occurred.

    I am sure my experiences were not any less exasperating or any less convoluted for me as they had been for others.

    I can only state the facts.

  28. I am uncertain of the reason for time-line segmentation but my life time-line was segmented into 5-6 year segments, from my earliest memories to my most recent memories. I will take a guess at the reasoning: To scramble specific segments of memory or possibly specific memories within a time-line segment. My earliest time-line memory was at 13 months old when my first sibling arrived. That was a time of trauma. Was the intention to block, scramble or remove traumatic events? That cannot really be done. Trauma produces alerts/automatic reactions. That is why if you get your fanny popped once for doing something, you either do not do it again or make darn sure you don't get caught.

    The problem that I encountered was in being in and out of different time periods all of the time, even when driving or doing other tasks that could get me killed. So yes, there was a great deal of internal association happening.

    1. Addendum:
      Scattered sensory perception. My five senses were not in alignment within memory. Visual, Audio, Touch, Feel, Smell, Emotion. I was experiencing them separately and at different times.

  29. Hacking? Computers? Phones? Appliances? What about that organic computer under your skull cap? Absolutely everything about you is stored in memory.

  30. I will add the parts and pieces that make up the whole of the Pentecostal culture as I recover the memory. "Come back into the fold." Interesting archaic concept that we find repeating throughout history in military operations. To be enveloped, closed in with others or from another perspective, to be closed off from others. Of course, this is spiritual speak.

    Everything in the Pentecostal dialogue is about belief. I believe is routine in everyday vocabulary. This is what we believe. Where do these beliefs that do not exist within most other religions come from? Not from the Bible. Pentecost was a harvest celebration that on one occasion, the disciples of Jesus attended and wherein seven tongues came out of heaven and everyone understood in their own tongue. That was the explanation used to explain the unknown tongues---- for which no one had understanding. A belief is a belief no matter how illogical or irrational it is or might be, when one is programmed to believe, this is the absolute truth regardless of how irrational or illogical to the contrary that it is to outsiders.

    Today, I do not believe in anything that does not bear witness to my own sensibilities.

  31. The religious beliefs include direct prophesies from God through the gift of prophesy. Black Magic. They are also vested with the power/gift of healing. Black Magic.

    The many and varied denominations of churches that are practicing and instilling Pentecostal beliefs are Antithetical to Christianity.

  32. My beliefs are existential. I exist, therefore I am. We all come into this world as fully developed humane individuals, existing fully and completely without need of religious grooming.

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  34. Information one might need to know: If you are on social media and have friends or family that are Pentecostal, your notifications are potentially routinely screened. All of my notifications, not just notifications to or from my friend, but all of my notifications were being streamed through a church's computer in the small town where this friend lived. I closed my Facebook account.

    In one family, I was told that the church was setting up links into their members computers to protect them and their children from predatory practices. That was a few years back.

  35. In the early 1930's, just after the stock market crash of '29, three things happened. (1) "Looking for greener pastures," a catch-all phrase was founded in America. (2) The Communist Party was founded in America. (3) The Pentecostal religions
    were founded in America. Take from that what you will.

    I will have to beg your pardon on the religious phrase "We are all children of God." In a well functioning society, (1) We are all people of the world, individually different and individually relevant. (2) My beliefs are my own to individually form based upon my own learning and my knowing. (3) I will not adhere to or fall victim to repetitive indoctrination techniques, whether by government, religion or party affiliation. I have a brain of my own that reminds me everyday that I am and we are all unique, individually different and wonderfully gifted in our own individual ways.

    I am not wandering from the subject but reinforcing the content. The develop of language required an oppositional format to define one term from another. They are both equally important to understanding whether it be right/wrong, good/evil, hate/love, right/left, north, east, south, west ........ Hold true to your own direction regardless of repetitive assemblages. Is it not better to portend toward inclusiveness of individuality? Is it not better to know the difference between right and wrong based upon your own individual learning so long as one has an open mind toward debate? Is both love and hate not important to the formation of an individual?

    In this we all have a moral compass, "Do unto others as you have them do unto you," the Golden Rule of humane functioning.

    It is never wrong to acknowledge, include or exclude any and all doctrine that is detrimental to an individual or to the whole whether it be governmental or religious. Blessings (good and rightful things) be to you all from an existentialist who seeks only the separation and individuality of all and the communal discussions that shape and build individuality as we come together as one whole comprised only of individuals.

    You are the sole owner of your own brain lest there be another that should take ownership of a part of your brain via mind control programming, hypnotic instruction, mindless wanderings, aggressive musings or other insidious means.

    Teach your children well, the value of individuality. Self-centeredness is really alright so long as it is in balance with the whole of humanity and not adverse to humanity. It is a good parent that eludes to and teaches the historical perspectives, philosophical perspectives, the Roman Gods, the Greek Gods, the other Gods now existent or have been existent in history in various world locations as well as the origin of the One God.

    My guide has always been, "my own knowing, my own learning. the differences between right and wrong." I have been unmercifully attacked and persecuted for nothing more than defending my own perspectives against religious indoctrination. I will not relent.

  36. Hypnotic construction of religious organizations are in direct opposition to the individual "Freedom of Religion" clause in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America.

  37. "Do not talk to the FBI. Do not talk to the CIA. Do not talk to any other government entity." Why should I have such an instruction flowing from memory? The only inference that I can draw from this is that I have not been silent on my analysis of a potential threat such as the Muslim's have experienced, "radicalization", wide-scale violence and threats of violence.

    I did not reach this conclusion as an affront on these religious organizations but as a very real potential threat.

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  39. One criss-cross occurred yesterday. This has not been uncommon at Walgreen's. I was approached twice about two years ago by a person whom found it necessary to identify himself as being, Church of God. I have not seen this person since.

    1. Addendum: This criss--cross confusion only occurs at Walgreen's check-out. I assume the intention is to discredit my sensibilities, possibly to infer dementia or other mental disorders, to discredit my assertion that this religion is practicing mind control programming. This has only served to confirm and not to deny.

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  43. Who is Pat Dendy? A humanitarian, that has no qualms or fear in taking on the fight against the continued rigmarole of Pentecostal practices (Baptism by the Holy Ghost). Pat Dendy is an existentialist, neither opposed to religious or evolutionary themes so long as those themes are humanitarian. Peace be with you all.


  45. VICTIMS VICTIMIZE OTHER VICTIMS. As improbable as one might at first "want" to think or believe, our trusted family members, our distant family members, new or old friends, new or old neighbors, old church members that are no longer attending church, sales clerks, co-workers, wait-staff, hospitality workers, complete strangers, health care workers and/or anyone that I come into contact with could be a victimizer or are victims themselves that are unknowingly victimizing others by the way of their own programmed set of instructions. Even those that know what I am struggling with and at first appeared to be supportive, are not always what they appear to be. At first, I wanted to believe that persons were not knowingly or unknowingly harming me via hypnotic anchors and some are not aware that they are harming others yet some others do know what they are doing. These folks were like bread and butter, fodder for my soul. Think Again. Do a double take, reexamine and reassess motive.

    I must always be aware of my surroundings and be aware of whom I am talking to, even strangers. I cannot avoid contact with all others nor should I, complete avoidance is not always the best way to deprogram.

    A clear pattern did emerge that identified safe and unsafe people. "I must keep track of my actions and my reactions."

    Keeping a small notebook at hand has been and is a good resource for recording actions/reactions and to maintain a time-line journal. Personal electronic devices are helpful, making a note on my cell phone, sending a note to my other private-e-mail address that no one knows anything about. Journaling is essential. Sometimes memories would pop-in and pop-back-out again. If I journal, I can track those moments. Those moments are a valuable resource.

    I am always armed with preparedness for: (1) verbal attacks upon my psyche by others that I had once trusted, (2) potential mental health accusations against me, (3) the potential for possible police reports to be filed against me for no reason other than I am putting distance between myself and some others. I do not expect mental health professions, attorneys, family, friends or any other person to be supportive of me.

    OK, Did I just basically state that I cannot completely and blindly trust anyone. Umm, I must be paranoid as hell. I'm acting schizophrenic, bipolar, histrionic and a whole list of other mental disorders. Asserting mental illness is a threat intended to cause fear. Fear only serves to hold one in a state of subservience. Sometimes a mild but controlled histrionic event is appropriate.

    I had to do a reset of my people. People that were once trusted are not always trustworthy and others that were on the fringes of trustworthiness are dependable people. People that do not accept my existential beliefs are not trustworthy only IF OR WHEN they are "aggressively" pursuing religious argument. Religious discussion, whatever the religion might be, is always open for bantering.

    At some point, I have to stop writing and start living my life again. Today is the day! I will stay in touch with this web site and I might comment from time to time. I will forever be a victim inasmuch as my past will forever be a part of me.

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  47. The "masculine two-headed dog" analogy is out of the box.

  48. What analogy does the two-headed dog represent? It represents the argument between "this" and "that" from the male perspective. (God is male.)

    On the one side or on the one hand, "this" is true, correct, right etc.

    On the other side or on the other hand, "that" is true, correct, right etc.

    This is intended to lead to the destruction of self-destiny. The masculine two headed dog analogy puts into place self-argument, self-doubt and self-destruction. "Give all power over to God" or stated another way, "Give all power over to Church."

    My beliefs are existential.

  49. The unknown tongues are an abridgement to the church proscriptions; beliefs and disbeliefs, what is prohibited and what is sanctioned and is intended to provide for the eternal continuity of the ever-growing numbers of denominations within this structured, programmed insanity.

    I do have some concerns about the ever-growing list of "the government oughta" remarks. Can one religion throw the balance in an election? If it grows large enough.

  50. This has been a journey that started with hypnotically controlled irrational, illogical, confusing and highly "repetitive" structures.

    This journey has ended. All of the programmed structures are in memory and are fully connected to the deprogramming structures. If a programmed segment repeats, so too does the deprogrammed structure connected to that segment repeat. I am fully cognizant of the pull that occurs within my vision when being pulled into a trance and will never go that way again. Snap!

    I do not engage with others that seek to pull me into memory. "Remember when?" ... "Yeah, I remember when but I am not going down that road again. Move on. Get current.

    It is possible that persons within these religious organizations will read this and I will leave one comment for anyone seeking to gain knowledge in how to stop deprogramming.

    "Sorry, old man, you are up shit creek without a paddle and the current is pulling you further and further into the abyss of time immortal."

  51. Earlier in the day I signed into my e-mail, opened an e-mail from The Wise Sloth.

    A small amount of time later, "You will learn a lot more about this at "Church of," came to mind. ????

    I had every confidence that I could withstand anything that I might encounter. I was wrong. When I opened this website, I felt overwhelming fear and anxiety.

    It took only a split second to illicit this response but it took a few minutes to reach into the depths of my despair and clear this response.

    A new skill was learned, how to overpower elicited responses; how to act instead of react.

  52. The fear and anxiety is triggered by a memory of pain and suffering and is the lead-in to the unknown tongues and other physical gyrations. I had to stop where I stopped because I could not continue. Fear and anxiety, perhaps the kind one had when one's Mother was chasing them with a cane, is serious enough however nothing is quite that simple. Some people have far greater pain and suffering. I do not know where these religions draw the line or even if they draw a line that they do not cross. I do not think that they do.

    What about war veterans? What about victims of serious crimes? I just don't know. This religion frightens the hell out of me.

  53. I again opened the website and cleared my psyche of all demagoguery associated with this religion.

    Perhaps, it is appropriate that I should arise and take control of my own psyche on this Easter day.

  54. Korean Evangelicals can be added to the list of religions practicing Pentecostalism/Apostolicism. Whether referred to as "baptism by the Holy Ghost" or simply referred to as "in-dwelling," it is mind control programming.

    Evangelists exporting religious doctrines are also importing religious doctrines and the religious wars have begun.

  55. The missing piece of the puzzle has surfaced, "the anxiety knob", like the volume on old radios and televisions, the anxiety range goes from zero to intolerable. I experienced this similarly to an automobile engine that will not turn over comparative to a race car running full out. However the programming tool used was a radio.

    1. Let me restate this: The illustrative programming tool was an old radio.

  56. Some amount of criss-crossing is continuing but is easily identifiable as a criss-cross. The "subject" of two individual thoughts are criss-crossing with each other. This is intended to destroy intention.

  57. There is one phrase that has continuously repeated. "Keep your mouth shut." This phrase was a mainstay throughout most of my life having been repeated by my Mother to me and to all others within my family of origin on a regular basis until her death in 2009. Eight years after my Mother's death this phrase continues to randomly and regularly repeat as if this is a programmed repeat. "It never ends." This brings me back to an instruction, "this will never end." Perhaps the first thing I should have known is the last thing that I could acknowledge. A reverse. The End.

    Religions and their families are so intertwined that separation becomes an improbable but not an impossible situation.

  58. I sat here writing and deleting repeatedly as I searched for the right words to express my emotions at the end of my journey through deprogramming. "I am in a state of peaceful co-existence with self and with the world around me." THE END.

  59. Addendum: I forgot to mention this. First, let me state that this is not a statement of intent: "I want to kill myself" is a phrase that had been triggering overwhelm or perhaps overwhelm was triggering the phrase. This phrase is not now nor has it ever been of my own thoughts. The negative attributes are overwhelm, fear, and anxiety. I have remained functionally healthy, although sometimes only marginally so.

  60. Evangelicals. Most recent activity. An employee at a local 24-hour chain restaurant. via cell phone, sent to another employee working with him "a list of scriptures" to read. The receiving employee was delighted to report to me that when she read the first scripture she took a two hour nap and for those two hours she was repeatedly envisioning the events in this scripture. She said that she awakened feeling rested however her brain was not resting as intended, not processing things naturally. This is an interference with normal brain function. Persons that are programmed to do this will "never" reach their optimal potential. They go thru life in a religious fog, not using their own highest power, their own intellect. This explains, in part, my own experiences. (The Korean Evangelical person mentioned in a previous post is the guiding force in this). This is inhumane.

    The only person that I can change is me. Me, a singular person that can add to the body of knowledge of the damaging/damning effects of religious practice.

    As in a clearing upon a mountain top where one can see forever, I too have a clear view of these religious practices. As surely as the felled trees provided for my clear view atop the mountain, each found piece of mind control programming is as a felled tree.

  61. I was shocked to see the numbers of different denominations of Evangelical churches in North America. Holy Smoke.

  62. Holy Smoke! While consuming a cup of coffee in one of the restaurants in a large chain of 24 hours restaurants in the area where I live, I was verbally attacked by the third shift cook and waitress because of my "existential beliefs." These two were actually standing over me telling me that I will believe in God (6-14-17). This follows on the heels of another encounter about a week prior wherein a customer of theirs challenged my beliefs, stating specifically that the freedom of religion clause in the Constitution of the United States of America did not grant freedom from religion. Total ignorance. The Constitution grants the right to the establishment religion/s. This does not give anyone or any religious organization a mandate to force religious belief among those of differing beliefs. Based on my experiences, only among the Evangelicals does this type of irrational behavior exist.

  63. The anchor that triggers a replay of the instructions is MARK MY WORDS. It was as if this anchor rewound the programming tape and started everything playing again. I am in control.

  64. "Look in the Book of Life," trance anchor.

  65. You know, in the past, when I was dealing with some crooks who has stolen my money, one of them - the old dead - told me he managed in life himself. And today, just happened to pass by a building of that sectarians in talking in here. And I saw, that building, the meaning of what that old dead crook, was talking about. For the moment, now. Because I passed many times in the past between those sectarians in talking in here, but those feminine persons, never look like, today.
